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Common Presentation Terms

Charmaine Huta

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5.a special feature in PowerPoint that allows you to quickly modify the slides and slide layouts in your presentation
9.set nof effects which can be applied to objects in PowerPoint that will animate in the Slide Show PowerPoint
1.animation-like effects that occur when you move from one slide to the next during a presentation.
2.Bullets are used rather than sentences on PowerPoint or OpenOffice Impress slides as key phrases that the speaker will discuss in the presentation.
3.the visual movements as one slide changes to another during a presentation.
4.a single screen for a presentation
6.A collection of pages arranged in sequence that contain text and images for presenting to an audience
7.formatting, positioning and placeholders for all the content that appears on a slide.
8.a multipurpose indow pane that appears on the right side of the window of an Office application.

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