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Word Bank
AliceCooper, ArchieAndrews, BettyCooper, CherylBlossom, ChuckClayton, CliffordBlossom, CoachFloydClayton, DiltonDoiley, EthelMuggs, FPJones, FredAndrews, HalCooper, HermioneLodge, JasonBlossom, JoaquinDeSantos, JosieMcCoy, JugheadJones, KevinKeller, MaryAndrews, MayorMcCoy, MelodyValentine, MooseMason, MsGrundy, Mustang, PenelopeBlossom, PollyCooper, PopTate, PrincipalWeatherbee, ReggieMantle, SheriffKeller, Smithers, ValerieBrown, VeronicaLodge

1             2     3
4 5                       6 7 8
14                           15    
  20   21                          
        23         24

1.A lead singer of the Pussycats and the daughter of Mayor McCoy
5.A boy is Asian, being rival with Archie and playing rough on football team
9.A curl short headband girl who is scared of her father with sleeping pills and she friends with Betty and Veronica
10.A manager of Bulldogs football team and the father of Chuck
11.A cop chief and he is Kevin's dad
12.A father of Betty and Polly and husband of Alice
13.A boy who died, the brother of Cheryl and he engaged to Polly
14.A girl with black wavy-straight hair, wore a pearl necklace, she moved from New York and Archie's love interest
17.A boy is one of FP's Southside Serpents and he being gay with Kevin
18.A boy with a crown-like hat, he's Betty's boyfriend and ex best friend with Archie
21.A mother of Veronica
22.A father of Archie
26.A redhead boy plays football, focusing on music and he can sing
27.A blonde girl is the sister of Betty, daughter of Alice and Hal and she is pregnant with Jason's twins
28.A boy is the leader of boy ranger scouts
29.A mother of Josie from Josie and the Pussycats
30.A mother of Archie, wife of Fred and she moved to Chicago
2.A girl is a red headed cheerleader, she lives in a Thornhill mansion and who has lost her twin brother Jason
3.A girl with blonde pigtails, who lives next door neighbor to Andrews' home and she argued with her mom
4.A mother of Betty and Polly
6.A man with mustache, with a hat and he's one of FP's Southside Serpent
7.A man wore glasses and head of high school
8.A wife of Clifford and mother of Cheryl and Jason
10.A father of Jason and Cheryl and he killed his own son
14.A keyboardist and bassist of Josie and the Pussycats and she wants to sing lead vocals
15.A butler of Lodges
16.A drummer of Josie and the Pussycats
19.A owner of local diner who helps
20.A boy is gay and he loves Joaquin one of FP's Serpent
22.A man(Billy Loomis) is the leader of Southside Bikers, he's the father of Jughead and arrested for murder of Jason
23.A boy who got suspended from a school and almost drown in jacuzzi hot tub by Dark Betty
24.A music teacher banging Archie, she played a cello, drove old bug car her real name was Jennifer Gibson and quitting her job
25.A boy who was at the water river with Kevin at night and he sees Jason is dead

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