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Filmmaking Crossword Puzzle

Mr. Novak

1 2
4     5
6   7      
    10                     11    
14                   15             16    
17                         18   19
  20                   21          
23                   24                    
      26 27 28   29

3.It makes the subject look more vulnerable
8.A microphone that records from a single direction
10.Filming the upper half of the actor
12.A written script for filming
14.The act of practicing scenes before a performance
15.Anything besides the dialogue in a play
16.Not the beginning or the middle
17.Drawing out the scenes of a performance
20.What happens at the start of a story
21.The performers in a play or movie
23.It makes the subject look big and imposing
24.The bad person in a story
25.What an actor wears as a character
31.A written script for live presentation
33.The inside of where a scene takes place
34.Items used to enhance the scenery
35.A camera shot of the whole subject's body
36.Where a story takes place
37.Usually the person in charge coordinating actors
1.The act of performing real time for an audience
2.What the actors produce for the audience
4.A camera shot that shows a very close subject
5.Sounds or visual imagery that enhance a scene
6.Words that an actor speaks
7.When the director ends a scene
9.What happens between the beginning and end of a story
11.A single act played out in film or theater
13.The good person in a story
18.The device that records sound
19.The stage play or screenplay for a production
22.What happens between antagonist and Protagonist
25.Camera shot on an actor that is not far away
26.The outside of where a scene takes place
27.The process of recording moving images
28.A person who acts in a presentation
29.A person who creates films
30.The way a film is put together, scene by scene
32.A stand that holds a filming device

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