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Chemistry Terms

Mrs. Fox

8th grade science chemistry terms

1 2 3
4                 5            
      6 7  
  8 9               10   11  
12                   13           14
        15       16
17             18            
20                                 21                
22                   23                        
25             26            
                27 28
  30                                           31
  33   34              
36                       37              

4.an element that is not a metal and has properties generally opposite of those of a metal
5.in a solution, the substance that dissolves a solute
8.a solution containing the maximum amount of a solute that can be dissolved in a solvent at a given temperature
10.a substance that can accept a proton from another substance that has a pH above 7
12.a mixture of two or more substances that is the same throughout
13.a substance that can donate a proton to another substance that has a pH below 7
17.a horizontal row in the periodic table of the elements that have varying properties
20.the process by which chemical changes occur and new substances are formed; atoms are rearranged - chemical bonds are broken and formed
21.an element that has properties of both metals and nonmetals
22.a neutral particle located in an atom's nucleus
23.the number before a chemical formula that indicates how many molecules are involved in a chemical reaction
24.the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution; measurement of acidity
25.a group of atoms that are held together by covalent bonds so that they move
29.property in which a substance is likely to undergo a chemical change
30.A substance that is not uniform throughout.
32.describing a solution that is neither an acid nor a base; substance that has a pH of 7
36.a substance that is present at the beginning of a chemical reaction, takes part in the chemical reaction, and is changed into a new substance
37.any factor that can change in a controlled experiment
38.a solution having a low concentration of solute
39.the energy stored in the bonds between atoms of every molecule
40.the total number of protons in an atom's nucleus
1.an atom or group of atoms that has a positive or negative electric charge; forms by atoms gaining or losing electrons
2.a metal that can precisely control the conduction of electrical signals
3.a vertical column in the periodic table of the elements that have similar properties
5.the number written slightly below and to the right of a chemical symbol that shows how many atoms of each element are in a compound
6.a scientific law stating that during a chemical reaction, matter is not created nor destroyed.
7.an element that tends to be shiny, easily shaped, and a good conductor of electricity and heat
9.the total number of protons in an atom's nucleus
11.the amount of a solute that dissolves in a certain amount of a solvent at a given temperature to produce a saturate solution
14.a substance made up of two or more different types of atoms bonded together
15.an expression that shows the number and types of atoms joined in a compound
16.a substance formed by a chemical reaction; made by the rearrangement of atoms and bonds in reactants
18.a solid substance that forms as a result of a chemical reaction between chemicals in two liquids
19.A substance that is evenly spread throughout. Particles not distinguishable.
20.A standard set up in which to the experimental results are compared
24.a table of the elements, arranged by atomic number, that shows the patterns in their properties
26.a negatively charged particle located outside an atom's nucleus about 2000 times smaller than either a proton or neutron
27.the amount of solute that is dissolved in a solvent at a particular temperature
28.the central region of an atom where most of the atom's mass is found in protons and neutrons
31.a substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler substance by ordinary chemical changes. Consists of atoms of only one type
33.a substance that increase the rate of a chemical reaction but is not consumed in the reaction
34.in a solution, a substance that dissolved in a solvent
35.a positively charged particle located in an atom's nucleus

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