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7.00 Principles of Giving

Personal Finance

1 2 3
5               6        
7                     8
10               11                

4.Property owned by the deceased individually, such as a car, jewelry, stocks (2 Words)
5.The person who died
6.A useful or valuable thing, person, or quality
7.A legal document that expresses a person's wishes regarding prolonging his or her life by artificial, extraordinary, or heroic measures when death is inevitable (2 Words)
9.Someone entrusted with managing an estate; includes executor, guardian, conservator and trustee
10.A person legally charged with the duty of taking care of another who, because of age intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his or her own affairs.
11.Any money that a person owes others
12.A non‐profit organization
13.Provides a clear plan for what should happen upon the death of an individual (2 Words)
15.A lifetime transfer of property without receiving payment Guardianship: Established by a legal document called a will
1.A person or institution who derives benefits from the creation of a trust, proceeds of an insurance policy, bond, or retirement fund when the owner dies. There can be one or more beneficiaries
2.A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one party, known as a trustor, gives another party, the trustee, the right to hold title to property or assets for the benefit of a third party, the beneficiary.
3.A signed letter that provides a detailed inventory of assets and liabilities, describes personal preferences about transfers of many odd pieces of personal property, and contains funeral and burial instructions (4 Words)
8.The real and personal property that a person owns
13.A person or institution named in a will to carry out the settlement of an estate. This person or institution pays the debts, manages the property and later distributes it according to the provisions of the will.
14.A written document representing the instructions of the deceased for the distribution of the estate

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