Across |
1. | underground layer of rock or sediment that holds water |
4. | look like flooded forests with trees and shrubs |
6. | groundwater bubbles or flows out of the cracks in rocks |
8. | land that supplies water to a river system |
10. | a river and all its tributaries |
11. | one of the tributaries of the Mississippi |
14. | an example of an impermeable substance |
15. | water changes from a vapor to a liquid |
16. | the size of the ____ in the ground determine how water moves underground |
17. | plants lose water through these |
20. | precipitation may fall on land and soak in and become _____ |
21. | common in color regions, acidic water and mosses grow here |
22. | 2/3 of the 3% of freshwater is found in this form |
24. | chemical added to water to kill microorganisms |
28. | the Continental Divide follows these mountains |
30. | process of supplying water to areas of land to make them suitable for crops |
31. | type of hot spring from which the water periodically erupts |
32. | practice of using less of a resource so it will not be used up |
33. | force that moves water from the surface to the groundwater |
37. | type of pollution that can not be tied to a specific source of pollution |
39. | stiky globs |
41. | water changes from a liquid to a vapor |
42. | tall strong grasses grow in their rich muddy bottoms |
45. | using screens to remove larger items like leaves and fish |
47. | smaller rivers that run into a larger river |
48. | lake that is the beginning of the Everglades |
49. | type of well that uses pressure to bring water to the surface |
50. | place where an organism lives and obtains everything it needs to survive |
51. | Everglades are found in this state |
52. | `continuous process by which water moves from Earth's surface to atmosphere |
53. | type of bacteria found in animal wastes |