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5.04 EC Government Impact


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1.A government regulatory agency that administers and enforces antitrust laws to prevent price fixing and to prohibit unfair competitive practices
2.A federal government agency that writes and enforces safety and health standards for businesses
7.A tax on imported goods; also called duty
9.Issuing a government permit that allows an individual or a business to function in the marketplace
12.Assistance by government in maintaining the price of a good or service to enable the producers to earn a profit (2 Words)
13.Government regulation has positive effects on business that include _________ protection for a company’s products.
14.An illegal activity in which a business charges different customers different prices for similar amounts and types of products (2 Words)
15.The government policy that sets levels of government spending and taxation (2 Words)
16.A condition in which a market is controlled by one supplier with no substitute goods or services readily available
17.The government policy that determines the amount of money that will be in circulation and the level of interest rates (2 Words)
1.The regulatory agency established by the federal government to enforce laws that protect consumers’ health
3.Government financial help given to a business
4.That part of the economy that is owned and controlled by individuals and/or businesses (2 Words)
5.Goods and services that are used by all people and cannot be withheld from people who don't help to pay for them (2 Words)
6.The amount of money people have to spend, or dispose of, after they have paid their taxes; also called discretionary income (2 Words)
8.That part of the economy that is owned and operated by government at all levels, e.g., schools, libraries, highway systems (2 Words)
10.A single business that influences the entire production of a particular good or service because it is in the best interests of the public for the business to do so (2 Words)
11.a permit allowing an individual or a business to function in the marketplace, to obtain a license, the business or individual must meet government requirements.
15.A government agency that regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable

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