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5.02b EC15 People Power


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3.The organized way in which a country handles its economic decisions and solves its economic problems\par (2 Words)
4.Anything of value that people own\par (2 Words)
6.An economic system in which individuals and groups, rather than the government, own or control the means of production; also known as free market economy, private profit system, market system, capitalistic system, or free enterprise system\par (2 Words)
7.An economic system in which the questions of what, how, and for whom goods will be produced are answered by individuals and businesses in the marketplace\par (2 Words)
8.An economic system in which individuals make most economic decisions but some government control and ownership exist\par (2 Words)
9.Anywhere the buying and/or selling of goods and services takes place\par
10.The desire to make a profit which moves people to invest in business\par (2 Words)
1.Monetary reward a business owner receives for taking the risk involved in investing in a business; income left once all expenses are paid\par
2.A descriptive term for the American private enterprise economy because price determines what people buy, the jobs they take, the success or failure of businesses, and the products that will be produced\par (2 Words)
5.The rivalry between two or more businesses to attract scarce customer dollars\par

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