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World Geography CBA 4 Review

Mr. Rubio

This will be for a test grade and contains all of the vocabulary needed for this six weeks.

1                   2
5   6 7    
9                     10      
12           13              
16 17            

1.Economic system in which supply and demand determines prices, as in the U.S.
4.Effect of building roads and bridges to link resources to reach customers (2 Words)
8.Laws or rules made between countries to keep peace or stability between them (2 Words)
9.Free money that economically rich countries donate to poorer countries (2 Words)
12.Country settled by the United Nations that has moved borders multiple times in 50 years
14.Level of economic activities in which people work in cottage industries and make little money in GDP and profit
15.Communist country located in Eastern Asia
18.Ideas held by different groups about God and the world that cause tensions and war over years or decades (2 Words)
19.Extra money left over after a person sells goods in a commercial economy.
20.State that has Austin as its capital and has Louisiana and New Mexico as bordering states
22.Type of map with country names and borders separating countries or states (2 Words)
1.More profitable type of farming where people use machines to harvest crops instead of making them in cottage industries (2 Words)
2.Relates to land and landforms that allows people to use resources and improve economic activities (2 Words)
3.Roads and ports needed to send resources from farms to sell commercial agriculture products (2 Words)
5.Type of government in the U.S. that guarantees civil rights to all citizens
6.Type of government where government controls some industries such as healthcare, as in Sweden
7.Type of government with a king or queen in the center as in England or Spain
10.Connecting routes that allow more products to reach markets for people to buy (3 Words)
11.Another name for a capitalist economy, also known as free market (2 Words)
13.Type of job that involves using phones and computer to take advantage of outsourcing overseas
16.Type of economic activities that involves industrialized factories and use of machinery
17.Type of government that has state owned TV stations, government control of all industries
21.Asian island country with few natural resources yet has a fully developed economy like the U.S.

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