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#100.00 District Communications

Fort Osage GOG Review

2 3 4                  
    5   6
13 14       15       16  
22 23                                  

4.The use of smart phones and cell phones may be considered for Command Post _____.
7.This is the time when the incident is decelerating or the conditions are not worsening (Definition) 2 words
10.This is the time when the apparatus is at the location of the incident (Definition 2 words)
11.If an emergency is reported over the business phone, try to get that person to use 911 from their location. When in _____, phone in the alarm using 911 from the fire station(s).
12.Signal 98 will be toned when there is a reported bomb threat or an _____ emergency
14.Signal 1 is to be used when an emergency situation warrants a _____ presence
19.______ and information given “in the blind” shall be avoided as much as possible
20.The word _____ can be used to precede any radio designation within Lee’s Summit’s dispatch authority
23.This is the time when the position of “Command” within the Incident Command System is discontinued (Definition) 2 words
24.This is the time where overhaul has been completed and confirmation is made that all burning has ceased. (Definition) 2 words
25.This is the time when personnel actually begin performing services at an incident (Definition) 2 words
26._____ radio communications should be held to a minimum
1.The med unit that is conducting the transport will communicate the arrival at the destination hospital (Definition) 2 words
2.Make an orderly retreat, and prepare for a PAR (Definition) 2 words
3.2. Whenever communications are given during an incident, it shall by the “_____ Model”
5.This is the time the apparatus is commencing a response to an incident after the assignment has been transmitted (Definition) 2 words
6.This is the time when all units are returned to service (Definition) 2 words
8.There is crucial radio traffic and no other transmissions shall be made except those needing to communicate for emergency reasons (Definition) 2 words
9.Signal 300 is to be used when reporting a suspected ____ lab
13.Immediate danger, drop unnecessary equipment, seek safety, and prepare for a PAR (Definition)
14.A "____"shall be conducted at the discretion of the Incident Commander when a change of strategy occurs during an incident
15.Face-to-face ________ should be utilized for briefing(s) such as a change of command at any emergency incidents or daily pass-on of non-emergency information in relation to district business.
16.This is the time that the med unit will report to the Communications Center that the patient transport has been initiated (Definition)
17.All emergency _____ have to go through Jackson County and Lees Summit Communications via 911
18._____ systems are in place for communication between shifts, employees, stations and/or other individuals connected through the Internet
21.The Communications Center will notify Command of an on scene time at the first 10 minutes, and then at 20 minute intervals on incidents of a _____ alarm response or higher
22.If a member is determined to be lost/unaccounted for, the officer reporting such status shall declare a ______
23.Supervisors should provide a ____ report to their supervisory level as outlined in the Incident Command Organization Chart, specific to each particular incident to relate:

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