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Chapter 11 Vocabulary

Ryan Schmidt

A crossword for Mr. Clements class.

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3.Wild A wild species that is still abundant in its natural range but is likely to become endangered because of a decline in numbers. Compare endangered species.
4.Harmful ecological and economic effects from the presence of accidentally or deliberately introduced species into ecosystems.
6.Value of an organism, species, ecosystem, or the earth's biodiversity based on its usefulness to us. Compare intrinsic value.
7.All free, undomesticated species. Sometimes the term is used to describe animals only.
9.The science of inventing, establishing, and maintaining new habitats to conserve species diversity in places where people live, work, or play.
10.Value of an organism to society.
11.A species that has naturally small numbers of individuals (often because of limited geographic ranges or low population densities) or has been locally depleted by human activities.
12.Acronym for habitat destruction and fragmentation, invasive species, population growth, pollution, and overharvesting.
1.Type of wild animal that people hunt or fish for, for sport and recreation and sometimes for food.
2.Estimate of the smallest number of individuals necessary to ensure the survival of a population in a region for a specified time period, typically ranging from decades to 100 years.
5.A wild species with so few individual survivors that the species could soon become extinct in all or most of its natural range. Compare threatened species.
8.Generally fixed route along which waterfowl migrate from one area to another at certain seasons of the year.

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