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RISE Program

Word Bank
Acquittal, Alibi, Attorney, CharacterWitness, Concurrent, Consecutive, Contempt, Defendant, District, DueProcess, ExpertWitness, EyeWitness, FifthAmendment, Hearsay, Judge, Misdemeanor, NoContest, Perjury, Physical, PleaBargain, Probation, PublicDefender, SearchAndSeizure, Sentence, SixMonths, Sixth, Verdict, Witness, WitnessStatements

1 2 3
4                               5  
10                         11  
12                 13 14                
15                             16
18                           19      
  23             24              
  25 26                        

4.A person who testifies on your good nature and reputation
7.A very complex set of warrant requirements that define how law enforcement is to handle gathering evidence at a crime scene
8.Type of evidence that is tangible such as DNA and fingerprints
9.This defendant right includes procedural fairness and requires you to be given notice of your charges with an opportunity to contest them
10.A person who is highly regarded in their field as highly knowledgeable
12.A person who has been accused of a crime
14.A defendant has the right to a speedy trial within ___ _____ of entering a plea of not guilty in the State of Colorado
15.The right to remain silent
18.The attorney who is trying to argue you are innocent
20.Plea Option: You're leaving it up to the Court to decide
23.The person who presides over the Courtroom
24.Inappropriate behavior in the Courtroom
26.A less serious crime
27.You have a trial and are found not guilty
28.A person who may know something about what you did or didn't do
1.Includes spoken word and may not always be factual
2.Lying under oath
3.Secondhand testimony that is not admissible in Court
5.The right to a speedy trial is the ______ amendment
6.The attorney who is trying to prove you're guilty
11.Instead of sentencing you to jail or prison, the Judge may impose _____ in the community
13.Type of sentence where the defendant will serve one sentence first, then the next
16.Decision at the end of a trial
17.A defendant has the right to an ______ at any critical point in a trial
18.If you plead guilty, the prosecutor agrees to a lesser penalty and/or charge
19.Type of sentence where the defendant will serve all sentences at one time
21.A person who saw the crime firsthand
22.The punishment for being found guilty
25.Type of witness who can testify to the whereabouts of the defendant

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