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Modern Astronomy and the Moon

Lance Kaiser

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2.This is the motion of a body, such as a planet or moon, along a path around some point in space (Such as the Sun).
4.The synodic month is based on the cycle of the moon’s phases. It lasts this many days.
5.In this ancient Greek model, the moon, sun, and the known planets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter—orbit Earth. Geocentric
7.These depressions on the moon's surface are caused by the impact of meteorites and other debris.
8.When the solar system was forming, a body the size of Mars impacted Earth. The resulting debris was ejected into space, began orbiting around Earth. MoonOrigin
10.When the Moon is at a right angle to Sun and Earth it is in these phases.
11.The sidereal month is the true period of the moon’s revolution around Earth. It lasts this many days.
13.In this solar system model the sun was proposed as the center of the solar system.
16.This is the movement of Earth's axis (like a wobbling top), which traces a circular pattern.
18.The youngest features on the lunar surface are this.
19.This scientist was the first to use a telescope in astronomy, which was used to discover the moons of Jupiter and sunspots.
20.This is the turning, or spinning, of a body (such as a planet) on its axis.
21.This is an oval-shaped path that the planets travel in their orbit around the sun.
22.This occurs when the moon passes between or through Earth’s shadow.
23.This is the science that studies the universe. It includes the observation and interpretation of celestial bodies and phenomena.
24.The layer of gray debris that covers the moon is called this.
25.This is what causes the difference between the synodic and sidereal month. This is due to the Earth–moon system also moving in an orbit around the sun.
1.The same side of the moon always faces Earth because of this. RotationSameAsRevolution
3.This is the distance in miles of the circumference of the Earth at the Equator.
6.Sir Isaac Newton was the first to formulate and test this.
9.When the Earth is closest to the sun this is called _______________.
12.This Ancient Greek scientist is thought to have been the first to accurately calculate Earth's circumference.
14.These are the progression of changes in the moon’s appearance during the month.
15.This occurs when the moon moves in a line directly between Earth and the sun, casting a shadow on Earth.
17.Ancient beds of basaltic lava, originated when asteroids punctured the lunar surface, letting magma bleed out.

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