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Animal Tissue

Anessa Leidig

1 2
3   4  
7                       8            
12                   13
    15 16  
    18   19            
20                   21                
22   23              
24                   25            

5.Under conscience control; provides movement and maintains posture
6.____ tissue provides support, protection, movement, assistance, mineral storage, and blood cell production
7.Cells are rounded and can slide across one another to allow stretching
8.Connective tissues attach muscle to muscle
9.Surrounds organs and other body structures; not conscience control
11.Forms walls of the heart
12.____ tissue covers and lines the surface
17.____ tissue binds and supports body parts and organs
19.____ tissue binds skin to the muscle beneath
20.Drains interstitial fluid, transports dietary lipids, and protects the body
21.Bundles of connective tissue that connects bone to bone
23.Single-layer cells that have a basic cube shape
24.Hormones released into the interstitial tissue
25.____ tissue acts as an insulating layer
1.Single-layer of cells that appear to be multi-layered
2.Made up of connective tissue that contains most of the skins blood vessels and nerves
3.Secretes onto the surface
4.____ tissue enables responses to stimuli and coordinates bodily functions
13.Single-layer, flat, thin, scale-like cell
14.Single-layer, tall, rectangular or column-shaped cells, taller than they are wide
15.Cells found in two or more layers stacked atop each other
16.Specialized cells that transmit electrical nerve impulses and carries information
17.____ tissue provides smooth surfaces and enables tissue to move/slide easily
18.____ tissue enables movement of structure within the body and movement of the entire animal
22.____ tissue transport gasses, waste products, hormones, enzymes, and nutrients

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