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Ryan Rowles


2       3                    
4       5             6
7 8                              
9         10 11                      
  15     16        
18   19 20              
23       24                   25
26                 27              

2.A cell is filled with a color with this
3.A style that displays numbers with comas seperators for thousands (2 Words)
4.To undo what you just did
5.Descriptive text such as page numbers at the top of the page
8.A tool uused to assist you in finding and correcting spelling erroes (2 Words)
9.To remoce a cells content
11.Completes a text for a complete form
12.Font design or design of the text
14.A new empty workbook contains one worksheet (2 Words)
16.Identifys a type of data
17.Brings all text to center and combines the Cells (3 Words)
20.An Excel file with one or more worksheets
21.A number in the worksheet (2 Words)
23.To redo what you just did
24.A combination of all font options (2 Words)
26.How large the text is (2 Words)
27.A document that contains formatting styles and sample text that can be used to create new documantes
28.File hosting service for excel
29.An alphanumeric entry in a worksheet that is not a cell
30.A shortcut used to insert repeated information (3 Words)
1.Buttons that appear wich allow you to scroll hidden tabs into view (3 Words)
2.Descriptive text such as page numbers at the bottom of the page
3.A style that displays numbers as in a certain currency (2 Words)
6.a format that controls how numerical data is displayed (2 Words)
7.A cell entry that consists of a number
8.Chages postionon of view on template
10.The work area for entering and calculating data made up of columns and rows
13.design colors and sets effects for a document or spreadsheet based on actions
15.A stle that displays decimal numbers as a perrcentage (2 Words)
18.Auto matically corrects mistakes
19.Which sheet you are o and how it is shown (2 Words)
22.Standard settings
25.To see how a worksheet will look when printed

Use the "Printable HTML" button to get a clean page, in either HTML or PDF, that you can use your browser's print button to print. This page won't have buttons or ads, just your puzzle. The PDF format allows the web site to know how large a printer page is, and the fonts are scaled to fill the page. The PDF takes awhile to generate. Don't panic!

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