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Chemistry terms

Mrs. Goertz

vocabulary words for chaper 4 of BC Science textbook

1         2      
3                       4 5
7             8        
9   10      
12           13
17           18                  

1.how thick or thin a liquid is
3.ability to be hammered, stretched or rolled in all directions without cracking or breaking
6.the ability of a material to resist forces that squeeze or press on it
7.the temperature at which a pure substance turns from liquid to gas
11.type of property that you can observe with your senses
14.the study of matter and its changes
16.a fluid form of matter that takes the shape of the container completely
17.the stuff that makes up everyliving thing and every material object
18.type of property that can be measured or described with a numerical value
19.a characteristic of feature that helps describe matter
2.what the 3 forms of matter are called
4.The temperature at which a pure substance turns from a solid to a liquid
5.the ability of a material to go back to its original shape after being compressed
8.ability to be stretched or bend into new shape
9.a fluid form of matter that takes the shape of the container incompletely
10.a measure of how hot or cold matter is
12.quantity of mass in a certain volume
13.describes how well a material resists scratching
15.form of matter that has a fixed shape

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