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Excel 2013 Vocab

Aristid Mendonca

A crossword puzzle where all the words are vocab for Excel 2013.

1 2
6                 7
  10   11      
14                               15    
16           17                  
19             20   21              
22                       23    
24                   25

3.A style that displays decimal numbers as a percentage (2 Words)
5.A shortcut used to insert repeated information. (3 Words)
6.A document that contains formatting, styles, and sample text that you can use to create new documents.
8.A feature that shows you how a gallery formatting choice will appear in the worksheet when you move the mouse pointer over that choice. (2 Words)
9.A number entered in the worksheet as a label not as a value--such as the year 2014 used as a column label. (2 Words)
11.A color that fills a cell, appearing behind the data.
12.A way to view locations on the worksheet without changing the active cell.
14.A feature that enables you to automatically combine cells and center the contents of the original far left cell in the new cell. (3 Words)
16.To apply attributes to cell data to change he appearance of the worksheet
17.A cell entry that consists of a number and numeric formatting only.
18.A style that vertically aligns dollar signs ($), thousand separators (,), and decimal points. (2 Words)
19.Descriptive text, such as page numbers, that appears at the bottom of every page of a printout.
21.the measurement of the typeface in points (1 point = 1/72 of an inch). (2 Words)
22.A feature used to complete an entry based on previous entries made in the column containing the active cell.
24.An Excel file with one or more worksheets.
26.A style that displayed dollar signs ($) immediately preceding the number and includes a thousand separator (,). (2 Words)
27.The work area for entering and calculating data made up of columns and rows separated by gridlines (light gray lines). Also called a spreadsheet.
28.Tabs that appear at the bottom of the workbook window which display the name of each worksheet. (2 Words)
1.Text entered to identify the type of data contained in a row or column.
2.Buttons that appear to the left of the sheet tabs, which allow you to scroll hidden tabs into view. (3 Words)
4.A format that controls how numerical fata is displayed including the use of commands, dollar signs (or other symbols), and the number of decimal places. (2 Words)
7.A combination of a font, text color, cell color, and other font attributes applied to a single cell. (2 Words)
10.A new, empty workbook contains one worksheet (sheet). (2 Words)
12.A tool used to assist you in finding and correcting typographical or spelling errors. (2 Words)
13.A file hosting service that allows you to upload and sync files to a virtual, or could, storage environment. Files can then be accessed from a Web browser or local device.
15.The standard settings Excel uses in its software, such as column width or bottom alignment of text in a cell.
16.The typeface or design of the text.
18.A feature used to automate the correction of common typing errors.
20.A collection of coordinated fonts, colors, and effects for graphic elements, such as charts and images that can be quickly applied to all sheets in a workbook.
23.A style that displayed dollar signs ($) immediately preceding the number and includes a thousands separator (,). (2 Words)
25.Descriptive text, such as page numbers, that appears at the top of every page of a printout.
26.To remove a cell's contents and/or formatting.

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