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lesson 2 word editing

Yaw Htoo

Word Bank
asterisk, clipboard, copy, cut, document properties, go to, gridlines, multi-selection, navigation pane, object zoom, paste, question mark, read mode, replcae, rulers, scroll bars, scroll box, scroll buttons, thumbnails, wildcard

1 2     3        
4             5 6
    7                   8    
      11       12        
  15         16  

2.Character to find either words or phrases that have specific letters or combination of letters when you don't know all of the characters in the word or phrase.
4.Measuring tools to align text, graphics and other elements in a documernt.
7.Tool to move up or down one line at a time or faster if you click and hold down the mouse button. (2 Words)
10.Feature to select multiple items of text that are NOT adjacent to each other.
11.Command to replace a word or phrase with another.
14.Tool appearing on the left when you selection (check mark) the Navigation Pane box in show group on view tab. (2 Words)
15.Command to paste text from the Clipboard to a new spot in an original or new document.
17.Tool to move horizontally and vertically through a document faster then the scroll buttons or to see a screen Tip of your position in the document. (2 Words)
18.Tiny images of document pages.
19.Wildcard character used to find a word or phrase when just one character is not know. (2 Words)
1.Tool that provides a grid of vertical and horizontal lines to align graphics and other objects in a document.
3.Hidden info, such as personal data, is added to document. Data like the creator, company name, keywords/tags. (2 Words)
4.Changes page layout and hides the ribbon. Some editing tools are available. (2 Words)
5.Command to remove selected text from its original spot and put on the clip board.
6.Wildcard character used to find a word when more then one character is not know.
8.A function to zoom in on object (tables, charts, images, etc.) in READ MODE. (2 Words)
9.Temporary storage area to paste items into another location of a document or file.
12.Command that places a duplicate copy of selected in the clipboard.
13.Tool to move up or down in a document. (2 Words)
16.scroll box command to browse by field, endnote, footnote, comment, section, page, edits, headings, graphics,or tables. (2 Words)

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