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Banned and Challenged Books

CRJH Library

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5.A high school teacher was fired in 1960 for assigning this book to an English class.
6.This book was challenged for intimating that "'man is little more than an animal.'"
8.The Cooney mystery book banned for challenging authority.
9.Offended by the phrase "the masses will revolt," the John Birch society challenged this book by Orwell.
10.The "man and his dog" story that was burned and banned for its violence and radicalism.
11.This book was banned for being "too sad."
16.The other Depression-era Steinbeck novel banned in Ireland in 1953. Hint: the best laid plans.
17.The name of one of the Depression-era Steinbeck novels banned in Ireland in 1953.
1.One Flew Over the _____ Nest.
2.This Twain classic was banned one month after it was published.
3.This popular children's book was banned because of its "dark and disturbing nature."
4.Teaching children to lie, spy, and be deceitful are a few of the charges aimed at this banned book.
7.This novel of courage and overcoming social boundaries was unsuccessfully challenged as "'psychologically damaging to the positive integration process.'"
8.This challenged book series inspired by Biblical texts and Norse folklore features characters who feel too small and inadequate for the large tasks before them, but must band together to save their world.
12.This banned book about the turmoils of the South throughout the Civil War-era was adapted into a famous film in 1939.
13.This book series has been banned and challenged for occult themes and references.
14.The banned book about the dangers of banning books.
15.The most frequently banned classic book.

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