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T&P Babyshower quiz

Here's some baby trivia and also a little test of how well you know the couple :-) Enjoy!

1     2 3 4
  5 6              
9             10 11      

1.How many years were they together for before they conceived?
6.Where was T&P's last international holiday? (2 Words)
7.Where did T&P meet for the first time?
8.What does 'pram' stand for?
9.According to the old nursery rhyme, children born on what day of the week are 'full of grace'?
11.By what age has a baby usually doubled its birth weight (in months)?
12.Which restaurant did they frequent together the most? (Hint : it is in India)
14.Babies recognize their mother's voice at birth; how many days before they recognize their father's?
15.Which month did T&P get married in?
16.What is the Baby's astrological sign going to be?
1.On average, a newborn's stomach holds enough food to keep him satisfied for how many hours?
2.Which bird is associated with child birth?
3.P's biggest food craving during her pregnancy
4.Which hospital is P having her baby in? (3 Words)
5.How many weeks pregnancy is considered full term in England? (2 Words)
9.In P's third trimester how many times on average does she pee everyday?
10.Another name used in England for a pacifier?
12.What is the first sense a baby develops?
13.Which city did T&P get married in?

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