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Moon Phases and Eclipses


1       2
3                           4    
5   6  
7 8         9     10  
  13 14                        
  17 18

3.When we can see only a sliver of the moon's disk.In the Northern Hemisphere the sunlit portion is on the right.
4.To seem to get gradually bigger until ist full form is visible
8.The third Planet from the Sun.
11.When we can see one half of the moon's disk. In the Northern Hemisphere the sunlit portion is on the left.
12.When the moon's disk is dark (and invisible to us) because the moon is between the sun and the Earth.
14.When we can see roughly three-quarters of the moon's disk.In the Northern Hemisphere the sunlit portion is on the left.
15.With the bright part is bigger than a semicircle and smaller than a circle
16.the moon moves between the Earth and the Sun. When this happens, part of the Sun's light is blocked
19.the less dark outer part of a shadow
20.to make a light or a shadow that appears in a particular place
1.When we can see only a sliver of the moon's disk.In the Northern Hemisphere the sunlit portion is on the left.
2.When we can see roughly three-quarters of the moon's disk.In the Northern Hemisphere the sunlit portion is on the right.
5.A curved shape that is wide in the middle and pointed at each end
6.happens when the Earth moves between the Sun and the moon, blocking part of the Sun's light from reaching the moon
7.a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface.
9.When we can see one half of the moon's disk. In the Northern Hemisphere the sunlit portion is on the right.
10.The line that connects the two nodes.
12.The contact points between the plane of the ecliptic and the orbital moon plane
13.When the moon's disk is light because the Earth is between the sun and the moon.
17.the darkest part of a shadow
18.The Moon’s path around the Earth.

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