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Unit Sheep and Goats Review

Mrs. Weimer

1 2 3
4 5   6            
7 8                  
        9 10          
11             12    
    13                 14
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21             22     23            
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28 29 30                  
        36 37   38              
40 41           42             43      
44       45               46        
47     48          

6.amount of feet needed for each ewe
8.fungal disease in sheep and goats (looks round)
10.castrated sheep or goat
11.sexual maturity in sheep and goats is 6-8 ___
13.large sheep breed; legs and fleece are black; lighter fleece
20.large wool breed with a heavy fleece and wool cap
21.to remove the tail of the sheep
23.the act of goats giving birth
25.over eating disease
26.goat were domesticated about ___thousand years ago
29.term referring to shearing around the repro parts of a sheep prior to breeding
32.sheep and goats are ___ (what kind of digestive tract do they have)
35.diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans
36.large sheep with high producing fleece
40.high producing sheep (lambs); white
42.the leather of a sheep of goat
43.area on the back that chops come from
44.gestation length for sheep and goats is ___ months
45.sheep can accumulate this in their liver and die (mineral)
46.the best time to ___a sheep is before they give birth
47.goat under one year
48.dairy goat known to have long, floppy ears
1.sheep under 1 year
2.goats will do this to indicate there is danger to other goats
3.meat breed of goat in the US with brown heads and white bodies
4.Type A and B of the merinos have heavily ___ skin; c does not
5.small sheep; light colored; oldest breed in England
7.meat from a sheep under 1 year
9.the fiber of a goat
12.care giving behavior
14.heavy wool breed; does well even when the grazing is poor
15.knee portion of the back leg
16.breed of sheep that is VERY long wool and is a very heavy breed
17.area between dewclaw and fetlock
18.sometimes form in castrated goats bc of high calcium buildup (2 wds)
19.sheep were domesticated about ___thousand years ago
22.soft coat of a sheep
24.the ability to produce many offspring (sheep)
27.crossing columbia ewes and cheviot rams
28.the act of sheep giving birth
30.dairy goat known to have VERY small ears
31.excellent carcass lambs; no wool cap or wool on legs and face; black face and legs
33.top of the shoulder blade on a goat
34.goat milk contains more ___ ___ than cow milk, making it a popular choice
37.type of goats that produce mohair
38.the breast on a sheep is the ___on a goat
39.meat from a sheep over 1 year
41.sheep known for great maternal instincts; face and legs are brown
42.meat from a goat

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