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Flying Balloons

Dan Walsh

Aerial Balloons

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  9 10

3.an insturment chiwh measures the temperature within the envelope
6.located in the top of the balloon's envelope that allows it to be deflated
8.instrument to provide the height of the balloon above sea level
12.an aircraft that uses lighter than air gas for its lifting mechanism
13.the name of the two French brothers who created the firs successful manned hot air balloon flight in 1783
1.one or more vertical panels that make up the envelope
2.an instrument to determine the rate of climb or descent
4.the heat source for filling the envelope of with hot air
5.to rise or flooat onthe surface of water or within the atmosphere
7.the main body of the balloon
9.a wicker basket hanging below the balloon envelope
10.a lightweight, low carbon fuel used in hot air balloon burners
11.the top of a hot air balloon

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