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Dan Walsh

Fundamentals of Flight

1 2 3 4
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        10             11
  12       13  
14   15      
16           17     18              

7.the curved part of an airfoil from its leading to trailing edge
9.a place on either land or water where aircraft can land and take off
10.forces in motion
12.upward force that opposes gravity and supports weight of an aircraft
16.a combination of aeronautics and space
18.any machine that is capable of flying through the air
20.a force which slows the forward movement of an aircraft in flight
21.the flow of air which moves opposite the flight path of an airplane
23.the force which moves an aircraft forward in flight
1.the upward movement of air ahead fo the wing in flight
2.a line drawn through an airfoil from its leading to trailing edge
3.a spinning column of air
4.pertaining to air
5.air in motion
6.the downward movement of air behind a wing in flight
8.a person who operates an aircraft in flight
11.height above sea level or ground level
13.the front part of a wing or airfoil
14.the natural force pulling everything to earth
15.the science of flight within the atmosphere
16.a component, such as a wing that is designed to produce lift
17.relating to the forces of air in motion
18.an aircraft that is kept aloft by the aerodynamic forces upon its wings
19.the art, science and technology of flight within the atmosphere
22.a mixture of gases that contains 78% N, 21% O2, 1% Ar, Other

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