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Ocean Vocabulary

Aleena Warner

Read each definition carefully then fill in the blanks.

1 2 3
4 5            
      6   7
8 9     10                    

5.the inflow, outflow, or current of water at any given place resulting from the waves of tides.
10.an ocean N of North America, Asia, and the Arctic Circle (2 Words)
13.bodies of water that is near the eqator (2 Words)
14.the line at which a rotating body such as the earth, turns
15.a warm ocean current of variable intensity that develops after late December along the coast of Ecuador and Peru and sometimes causes catastrophic weather conditions. (2 Words)
16.a large portion of air, large body of water, moving in a certain direction
17.an unusually large sea wave produced by a seaquake or undersea volcanic eruption.
1.the pressure exerted by the earth's atmosphere at any given point (2 Words)
2.an ocean bordered by the American continents, Asia, and Australia: largest ocean in the world; divided by the equator into the North Pacific and the South Pacific. (2 Words)
3.a circle course of motion
4.an ocean bounded by North America and South America in the Western Hemisphere and by Europe and Africa in the Eastern Hemisphere. (2 Words)
6.a fictitious force that is actually cuased by the rotation of the earth and appealing as a direction to the right in the North Hemisphere and a deflection to the left in the Southern Hemisphere (2 Words)
7.an ocean S of Asia, E of Africa, and W of Australia (2 Words)
8.to heat by means of solar enery (2 Words)
9.collective term for the Artic ocean (2 Words)
11.part of the upper pcean ocean water that is seperated from the lower regions by verying tempertures and salinity, which affect the density of the water (2 Words)
12.warm ocean currents flowing North from the Gulf of Mexico, along the east coast of the U.S. (2 Words)

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