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Structure of Atoms and Ions

Imani Graham

The history of the atom and terms of atomic structure

1 2         3
6           7  
9     10          
12 13   14    
15               16              

2.subatomic particle with a positive charge
5.houses protons and neutrons
6.any atom or group of atoms with a positive charge
8.atoms of the same element that have a different number of neutrons.
9.the number of electrons need to fill the outermost level of an atom
15.credited with the discovery of the electron and the plum pudding model of the atom
16.credited with the discovery of the neutron
17.the horizontal rows of a periodic table
18.the vertical columns on the periodic table
20.indicates the periodic element as well as the number of protons (2 Words)
21.the number of protons and neutrons (2 Words)
1.any atom or group of atoms with a negative charge
3.subatomic particles with no charge
4.credited with the development of an early atomic theory to explain the behavior of atoms
7.form when atoms or ions join together to form new substances
10.the simplest substances which cannot be broken down using chemical methods
11.Used the "gold foil" experiment to prove the existence of the nucleus
12.credited with the planetary model of the atoms that shows electrons orbiting the nucleus
13.Greek philosopher credited with the earliest idea of atoms existing
14.negatively charged subatomic particles
19.smallest particle of an element that retains the properties of that element

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