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Microsoft Server 2012 Chapter 1 - 3

Jodi Kelleher

This is terms used in chapters 1 through 3 of the 70-410 MOAC Microsoft Server 2012 Admin textbook

  2   3  
    4     5   6
10                     11  
  12   13    
15             16                    

2.What physical disk technology offers the fastest transmissions speeds?
4.What is the name of the directory where windows stores all of the operating system modules it might need to install at a later time?
8.The Windows Server 2012 edition limited to one physical or virtual server instance and a maximum of 25 users
10.Windows 2012 Server version that is designed for smaller companies that need a Windows Server experience for as few as 15 users. It is a general-purpose server with basic functionality but no virtualization rights.
15._______ -Windows Feature adds roles or features
16.Type of server typically associated with web servers
18.What fault tolerant storage solution is relatively simple but expensive compared to RAID
19.After you install your physical disks, you can concatenate their space together, from which you can create virtual disks of any size. This total space is called a storage _____
20.Name of commands used in Windows PowerShell
1.Limited access to log on the computer. Allows users to run applications, use local devices and peripherals but not make administrative changes
3.What is a volume type support by Server 2012 that does not provide fault tolerance?
5.What is the default installation of installing windows server 2012?
6.What physical disk technology runs at 600 MB/sec. However it is no longer suitable for large enterprise servers
7.What windows server 2012 role would you install to provide network resources to remote users?
9.What utility allows you to install components to multiple servers at once?
11.This version has full Windows Server functionality with unlimited virtual instances.
12.Provides a list of all available Windows Server Core commands
13.Provides improved support for load balancing between virtual machines (VMs). Hyper-V works with the NIC Team to load balance and deliver VM traffic over specific NICs
14.Three or more physical disks. All must be dynamic
17.What is the simplest and least expensive of external drive arrays?

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