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Word 2013 Lesson 1 Vocab


Word Bank
AutoComplete, Backstage View, Block style, Dialog box, Insertion point, KeyTips, Mini toolbar, Quick Access toolbar, Ribbon, Screentip, White space, mixed punctuation, nonprinting characters, open punctuation

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3.Command that automatically completes text, such as current date, week day, and month
4.letter style requiring no punctuation after the style and closing (2 Words)
5.tool that provides more info about a command when you hover over it
6.tool replaces some keyboard shortcuts from earlier MS versions; also called Access keys
8.small toolbar w/ popular commands; appears when pointing to selected text (2 Words)
9.divided into 8 tabs that have groups of commands
10.Offer quick access to commands to perform many file management tasks, all displayed in one navigation pane,customizable for your needs. (File tab0 (2 Words)
11.box that displays additional options or info to execute commands (2 Words)
12.Toolbar w/ the most frequent commands at the top left of the screen (3 Words)
13.letter style requiring a colon after the salutation and a comma after the closing (2 Words)
14.business letter format style that aligns text at the left margin (2 Words)
1.symbols for certain formatting commands to create and edit documents; not visible by default (2 Words)
2.Space between pages in a document in print layout view (2 Words)
7.blinking point at upper left of a document where you will begin to key text (2 Words)

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