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C. Meaker

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5.The use of a drug that is not specifically listed on the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA)-approved label.
9.The ratio of the solubility of substances (e.g., gas anesthetics) between two states in which they may be found (e.g., blood and gas, gas and rubber goods).
10.The bulk production of drugs for resale outside of the veterinary-client-patient relationship.
11.The amount of time (usually expressed in hours) that it takes for the quantity of a drug in the body to be reduced by 50%.
14.A substance used to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease.
15.Harm to a patient caused by a therapeutic or preventative intervention. Could be due to a medication error or adverse drug reaction.
16.A drug that brings about a specific action by binding with the appropriate receptor.
18.An undesirable response to a drug by a patient. It may vary in sensitivity from mild to fatal.
1.The set of circumstances that must exist between the veterinarian, the client, and the patient before the dispensing of prescription drugs is appropriate.
2.A drug that is limited to use under the supervision of a veterinarian because of potential danger, difficulty of administration, or other considerations.
3.The extend to which a drug causes the intended effects in a patient.
4.The route of administration of injectable drugs.
6.A drug that inhibits a specific action by binding with a particular receptor.
7.The biochemical process that alters a drug from an active form to a form that is inactive or that can be eliminated from the body. AKA biotransformation.
8.An amount of a drug still present in animal tissue or products (e.g., meat, milk, eggs) at a particular point (slaughter or collection).
12.The length of time it takes for a drug to be eliminated from animal tissue or products after it is no longer used.
13.A program for administration of a drug that includes the route, the dose (how much), the frequency (how often), and the duration (for how long) of administration.
17.Any manipulation (e.g., diluting, combining) performed to produce a dosage-form drug, other than the manipulations described in the directions for use on the labeling of an approved drug product.

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