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1 2 3         4          
        6     7          
8   9        
        11 12                                
15                                   16    
21                             22            
23               24                
25   26                      
28                   29                    

3.This is a Monarch's signature on a bill.(2-wrds)
6.Secret agreement between lawyers
10.Able to marry because of age and mental capacity (2-wrds)
12.The Nova Institute for Women serves this area (2-wrds)
13.A man appointed by the courts to administer a will.
15.Provincial requirement for marriage (2-wrds)
17.A relationship created by marriage
19.Mental or physical abuse
21.Law breaker between the ages of 12-17 (2-wrds)
22.An addition to a will.
23.Care of a child awarded by court
24.Revoking a marriage
26.This means changed or revoked
27.Relationship with blood relatives
28.Encourage spouse to commit adultery
29.Sentence given to yoong offender
1.Church tells of intended marriage (3-wrds)
2.A person who gave up their Indian status for various reasons
3.What does "R" stand for in R. v, Davis
4.Doing something to make up the wrong (3-wrds)
5.This involves a plaintiff suing to enforce some law or legal action against a defendant (2-wrds)
7.System of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social instructions to govern behavior
8.Court order granted for annulment (3-wrds)
9.In private (2-wrds)
11.Validation of marriage by coitus or copulation
14.Place of refuge
16.Marrying another while still married
18.Chief justice of the Federal court of Canada (2-wrds)
20.Charged with adultery with the accused (hyphenated word)
22.Forgiveness for adultery by spouse
25.Legal dissolution of marriage

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