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Word 1.01-1.05

Alexandre Takahashi

Word Bank
AutoComplete, AutoComplete, Backstage view, Clipboard, Copy, Cut, Dialog box, Document properties, Document properties, Go To, Gridlines, I-beam, Mini toolbar, Multi-selection, Navigation Pane, Non printing characters, Object Zoom, Paste, Quick Access Toolbar, Read Mode, Redo, Replace, Ribbon, Rulers, Save, ScreenTip, Template, Undo, Wildcard, Word Wrap

1 2
4                 5                
8           9   10
  16                     17                
  19 20                  
    22       23        
26     27                

4.Characters to find words or phrases that contain specific letters or combination of letters.
5.A box that displays additional options or information you can use to execute commands. (2 Words)
7.Symbols for certain formatting commands that can help users create and edit documents. (3 Words)
8.Measuring tools to align text, graphics and other elements used within a document.
11.A command that automatically completes text, such as the current date, day of the week and month.
12.A command that repeats a user’s last action.
13.A command that automatically completes text, such as the current date, day of the week and month.
16.A toolbar that contains commands that users use more often, such as Save, Undo, and Redo. (3 Words)
20.A command that pastes text from the Clipboard to a new location in the original document or new document.
21.A tool that appears in the left side of the window when you select its command in the Show command group. (2 Words)
23.A command in Word that places a duplicate copy of selected text in the Clipboard.
24.A tool that provides more information about commands.
27.A storage area that temporarily stores the items for a user to paste in another location of the document or office file.
28.A tool that automatically wraps text to the next line as it reaches the right margin. (2 Words)
1.A Word feature that enables users to select multiple items of the text that are not adjacent.
2.The large “I” created when users place the cursor near the insertion point.
3.A button in the Quick Access Toolbar that saves an existing document.
5.Hidden information such as personal data is added to the document, such as, creator of the document, company name, and keywords. (2 Words)
6.Hidden information such as personal data is added to the document, such as, creator of the document, company name, and keywords. (2 Words)
9.A command in the scroll box that enables users to browse by field, endnote, footnote, comment, section, page, edits, headings, graphics, or tables. (2 Words)
10.A function that allows a user to zoom in on objects such as tables, charts, or images while in Read Mode. (2 Words)
14.A tool that offers quick access to commands for performing many file management tasks all displayed in a single navigation pane that can be customized to meet users’ needs. (2 Words)
15.A tool that provides a grid of vertical and horizontal lines that help you align graphics and other objects in a document.
17.Master document that has predefined page layout, fonts, margins, and styles and is used to create new documents that will share the same basic formatting
18.A small toolbar with popular commands that appears when you point to selected text. (2 Words)
19.A command that enables users to replace one word or phrase with another.
22.Changes the page layout of the document and hides the ribbons. Some editing tools are available. (2 Words)
25.A tool that is divided into eight tabs that contain groups.
26.A command that allows users to cancel or undo their last command or action.
27.A command in Word that removes selected text from the original location and place the deleted text in the Clipboard collection.

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