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    11             12      
13                             14        

3.vertical trim used to support staircase railings
4.process of placing soil up against the foundation after all necessary foundation treatments have been performed.
5.the space under the roof of a structure but above the top story. This area may be used or unused
7.a window that is hinged at the top and open out from the bottom.
9.everything owned by a person or business which can be used for the payment of debts
10.a type of framing used on two story Buildings where the wall studs extend from the sole plate to the top plate and the second floor joists rest on a ribbon which is inlet into the studs so that it is flush with the stud's face
11.steel pin that has a threaded end with a nut and an end with a 90 degree angel. push into wet concrete becomes part of foundation for anchoring sill plates
13.these are second locks that are placed on exterior doors to revent burglaries
14.an axle on which a cutting tool is mounted. It is a common term used in reference to mounting of a circular saw blade or hold saw
15.the flow of water or other liquids or materials into the distributing source of potable water
16.an increase in value of an asset through general inflation.
1.documentation filed with the state which sets forth general information about a corporation
2.a complete handrail assembly which includes the rails, baluster, sub rails and fillets
3.decorative trim around windows and doors
6.there are two colored rings that indicate the growth of a tree. The colors indicate the growth of spring wood and summer wood.
7.a term used to describe a series of colonnaded arches.
8.a bituminous material which is the base ingredient in shingles and felt paper
12.the saw has a heavy steel top edge and a fine tooth configuration
13.tool used to mark wood with a scratch mark. It can be used to produce pilot holes for drilling holes for screws
14.trim used as a base for windows, also used to build out crown molding or the concrete slab in front of the garage door

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