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Summer of the Monkeys

September 17, 2015

Word Bank
anxious, coax, covey, desperation, dinky, gawk, hydrophobia, incubator, liable, liniment, misery, mutter, persimmon, protest, reins, scold, stomach, tongue, trough, vaccinated, anvil, briers, britches, caper, commotion, dasher, expedition, flounced, fortune, hefting, kindling, latched, maneuver, prowl, quavering, scurried, slithered, spindly, squall, whimper

1 2
3 4               5
6         7      
    10         11
14             15   16        
21 22                  
25 26                   27         28  
31             32    
        33   34       35  
38                     39        

4.a great deal of money or property, riches, wealth
6.bushes that have a thorny or prickly wood stem
8.a shot given to prevent a disease
12.firmly fastened or secured against opening
14.a long, hollow tray or container, often used for feeding or watering animals
16.small and of poor quality; shabby
17.to slide or glide along a surface in a snakelike manner
19.a feeling that everything is wrong and will turn out badly
20.gently urging or persuading someone to do something
22.a noisy disturbance or disorder; confusion
23.small pieces of wood used to start a fire
26.shaking or trembling especially of the voice
27.to show that you disagree with something
30.to cry weakly or softly
31.a medicine rubbed into the skin to relieve muscular stiffness and pain
33.a deep sadness
36.a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering
37.a small flock of birds of the same kind
38.to move quickly as if in a great hurry
39.a pair of long straps used to control and direct a horse
1.waiting eagerly for something to happen
2.pants or trousers
3.likely to do something or have something happen
5.a disease, also called rabies
7.a baglike organ in which food is digested
9.a journey organized for a particular purpose, usually exploration
10.lifting something heavy
11.to look at strangely or in surprise; to stare
13.to move about secretly and quietly as if looking for prey
15.an orange-colored fruit that is similar to a plum and has a sweet taste
18.a heated container for hatching eggs
21.to move with a bouncing motion
24.wooden paddle used to churn cream into butter
25.to criticize for doing something wrong
28.very long and slender
29.a skillfully planned movement; a scheme
32.a muscle in the mouth used for eating and speaking
33.to speak or say very quietly
34.a sudden loud cry
35.prank, antic, or an act done for fun and amusement

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