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4.All humans are this
7.A quotation from Immanuel Kant emphasizing his conception of individuals as possessed of inherent dignity and worth (3 words)
9.This branch of individualism emphasizes self-reliance and self-interest
11.The development of this economic concept provided individuals with a greater range of choices and social possibilities (2 words)
12.The early liberal view of individualism that man is the complete master of himself with no obligation or debt to society or external forces
13.The type of individualist philosophy that states that the individual is central to any political theory or social explanation
14.All humans share this
1.A combination of legal and military customs that dominated Europe up to the 16th century. A way of structuring society around social groups and hierarchical relationships
2.The belief that society is merely a collection of self-interested (and probably self-sufficient) individuals
3.More modern liberals worry about the consequences for others of this type of extreme individualism (2 words)
5.The type of individualist philosophy that emphasizes that society should always be constructed so as to give moral priority to individual rights and needs
6.This branch of individualism prioritizes human flourishing over naked self-interest
8.The growing belief system in the 17th and 18th centuries that man possessed essential personal and distinctive qualities of great moral worth (2 words)
10.The development of this concept caused society to be increasingly understood from the viewpoint of the human individual

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