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2.01 Depository Institutions

Personal Finance

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8.Payment transactions that can be completed with no physical connection between the payment device and the physical point of sale (POS) terminal or store clerk (2 Words)
10.A plastic card that is electronically connected to the cardholder's depository institution account (2 Words)
11.Businesses that provide financial services (2 Words)
12.For-profit depository businesses that offer financial services to both consumers and other businesses (2 Words)
13.Apps that many depository institutions have developed that allow online banking access from devices such as smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices (2 Words)
14.It is the central bank of the United States and was created by the Congress to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system (3 Words)
1.A machine that allows individuals to complete certain transactions without human assistance (3 Words)
2.Allows customers to complete certain transactions from a secured Internet site by using a username and password from any place in the world with Internet access (2 Words)
3.Depository institutions that offer many banking services and are owned by their customers (2 Words)
4.An account at a depository institution that is designed to hold money not spent on current consumption (2 Words)
5.The percentage rate used to calculate interest (2 Words)
6.The price paid for using someone else's money
7.An account that allows quick access to funds for transactions (2 Words)
9.Accounts offered by depository institutions whose main purpose is to help people manage their money (2 Words)

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