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Matter and Thermal Energy

Mr. Ryan

1 2
    3 4
      5 6  
8               9      
13                       14    

8.that state of matter that has a definite volume and takes the shape of its container.
10.The temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid.
11.Referred to as "energy of position".
13.The amount of energy required to change a solid to a liquid at its melting point.
14.The state of matter that does not have a fixed volume or shape.
15.The vaporization of a liquid that can occur throughout the liquid, not just at the surface.
16.The total energy of the particles that make up a substance, it includes both the kinetic and potential energy of the particles.
1.A measurement of the average kinetic energy of the particles that make up a substance.
2.The process of a liquid turning to a gas at the surface.
3.The process of a solid changing directly to a gas.
4.States that the particles of a gas are in constant, random motion and collide with each other and the walls of its container without losing any energy.
5.The temperature where the pressure of the vapor in a liquid is equal to the pressure acting on the surface of the liquid.
6.The amount of energy required to convert a liquid to a gas at its boiling point.
7.The state of matter that has definite shape and volume.
9.Referred to as "energy of motion".
12.Can exist as a solid, liquid, gas or plasma.

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