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Horror Movies

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1.Heavily inspired by a popular urban legend
8.Inspired partially by the director's childhood bully and sleep deaths
10.Shot on 16mm, a slow burn story of Satanism directed by Ti West
12.... and at the end, it was all just a big joke.
15.Repeated Stuart Gordon's running gag of using a shovel as a weapon
16.A young man carries around his detached twin in a basket seeking vengeance on his doctors
18.Martin Scorsese's favorite film, a psychological horror story about a haunted house
19.Based on the true story of a serial killer in Texarkana
20.Jennifer Aniston's feature debut
22.Totes what is considered the most shocking ending in horror film history
23.A delicious substance that emerges from the ground proves to be deadly
25.Based upon the lives of a husband and wife team of paranormal investigators
28.Michael Tough kept the mask that he wore in this movie
29.Started the trend of The Two Coreys
30.Bob Clark's grisly holiday psychological horror film
31.Ethan Hawke turned down the role of Josh Lambert
32.Set in suburban Illinois, actually shot in Pasadena
33.Honey was rubbed on Rod Steiger's head to attract flies
36.Features a grotesque scene involving a baboon turning inside out
38.People can still shop at this film's infamous shooting location
39.This sci-fi/horror classic was rereleased in the 70s to profit off the success of The Towering Inferno
40.Quentin Tarantino's favorite slasher flick
41.The cabin in which this was shot burned down shortly after filming finished
43.Almost every scene in this Swedish vampire movie contains the color red/orange
44.First, final and only screen appearance by magician David Copperfield as an actor
46.Vampire blood was turned green to avoid censors in this action horror flick
47.Produced by Sam Raimi, remake of Takashi Shimizu's psychological horror film
48.When Don Johnson and Mickey Rourke turned down the lead role, it went to Tim Robbins
49.A maniac stalks camp counselors seeking revenge for his disfigurement
50.This film by Mario Bava was banned in the UK for excessive violence
51.George C. Scott starred in this gothic horror mystery film about a troubled man in a haunted house
52.Australian torture porn horror flick that took cues from Tobe Hooper's Texas Chainsaw
54.Released as a double feature alongside The Devil's Messenger
55.A police sergeant searches for a missing girl while being dogged by a murderous cult
56.All the last names of the main characters are based off of popular horror directors
57.Stanley Kubrick used this film to get in the mood for The Shining
2.The most recognizable character in this series is inanimate
3.The first thing filmed for this cult classic was a fake porno
4.Starred real life mother and daughter Janet Leigh and Jamie Lee Curtis
5.The mansion used for exterior shots was also used in A View To A Kill
6.A ballerina discovers the horrifying truth behind a German dance school
7.The killer made famous by this franchise didn't actually show up until the last ten minutes
9.Vincent Price commits grisly murders inspired by the Old Testament
11.Peter Jackson liked this movie so much he gave Eli Roth publicity quotes
13.The directorial debut of Wes Craven
14.Father Dyer was played by an actual Catholic priest
17.The first summer blockbuster
21.In the first part of this anthology film, Rice Krispies were used for maggots
24.A serial killer records his murders in this slasher film that predates Psycho
26.The town in which the film is set features a RJ MacReady's Funeral Home
27.During the lawnmower scene, 5 gallons of fake blood was pumped per second
34.Andy Warhol called it the Clockwork Orange of the 80s
35.Richard Donner's first commercial hit
37.The sibling film to Pan's Labyrinth
41.A torn poster for this is seen in Sam Ramie's directorial debut
42.Based on the short story "The Forbidden" by Clive Barker
44.Originally titled The Faces, shot entirely on hand held cameras and steady cams
45.Features an incredibly graphic sex scene between Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie
47.Dee Wallace shows clear discomfort during the porn shop scene
53.F. Scott Fitzgerald was so horrified by the look of two actresses from this he became nauseous

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