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Desiger: Farzad

This crossword puzzle is based on trigonometry key terms. Note: Answers that have two or more words have a blank space between the words.

1 2   3     4   5 6
10           11

2.The ratio of the length of the hypotenuse to the lenght of the opposite side.
7.The ratio of the length of the adjacent side to the lenght of the hypotenuse.
12.It is the acute angle formed between the terminal arm and the x-axis.
13.it is a drawing tool for drawing arcs and circles.
14.it is a drawing tool typically made of transparent plastic or glass, for measuring angles.
15.The arm of an angle in standard position that lies on the x-axis.
16.We use this law to solve a triangle when we know the lenght of three sides.
1.The ratio of the length of the hypotenuse to the lenght of the adjacent side.
3.The sides of a triangle are proportional to the sines of the opposite angles.
4.When the soultion to the triangle due to the given information is not clear; there might be one triangle, two triangles, or no triangle.
5.The quotient of opposite and adjacent sides of a right triangle.
6.This formula also reffers to the main/primary identity in the study of trigonometry.
8.The arm of an angle in standard position that meets the initial arm at the origin to form an angle.
9.It is also known for the reciprocal of tangent ratio.
10.The ratio of the length of the opposite side to the lenght of the hypotenuse.
11.The position of an angle when its initial arm is on the possitve x-axis and its vertex is at the origin is called the ... position of an angle.

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