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States of matter

1           2 3
5 6    
7       8      
10               11      
    12 13  

1.State of matter that has a fixed volume but takes the shape of its container.
4.Amount of space matter takes up.
7.How something looks around the outside.
10.To squeeze together into a smaller space.
11.Melted liquid rock that reaches Earth’s surface.
14.The state of water in which it is an invisible gas. (2 Words)
16.A feature or quality that can be used to describe something.
17.To change states from a solid to a liquid, mainly due to the temperature getting warmer.
2.State of matter that has a fixed shape and a fixed volume.
3.The measure of how hot or cold something is.
5.State of matter that takes the shape and volume of its container.
6.To change states from a gas to a liquid, mainly due to the temperature getting cooler.
8.To change states from a liquid to a gas, mainly due to the temperature getting warmer.
9.State of matter that can be easily compressed.
12.Anything that takes up space and has mass.
13.State of matter that cannot be compressed.
15.To change states from a liquid to a solid, mainly due to the temperature getting colder.

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