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Acids and Bases


Fundamentals of acids and bases

1 2
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6     7 8          
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19                 20  
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28   29       30       31        
33     34               35
    37       38   39    

4.The kind of scale for pH
5.Prevents the pH of a solution from changing much when either small amounts of an acid or base are added to it
7.A solution where the hydrogen ion concentration is greater than the hydroxide ion concentration
10.Ka can be calculated for these solutions
11.The salt formed when hydrochloric acid is combined with potassium hydroxide.
12.The economic health of a country can be determined by how much of this it produces
14.Vitamin C
17.Produces OH- in solution
19.One of the products of combining an acid and a base
21.Produces H+ in solution
22.pH when hydrogen ion concentration is 1 x 10 -8
23.Bases can be used to dissolve this
24.Stomach acid
26.Accepts hydrogen ions
27.The feel of bases
28.Kb can be calculated for these solutions
31.A solution where the hydroxide ion concentration is greater than the hydrogen ion concentration
34.The sum of the pH and pOH
36.As the pH of a solution increases, the solution becomes more __________________
37.Donates hydrogen ions
38.The negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration
39.The negative log of the hydroxide ion concentration
40.pH equals 7
1.The taste of acids
2.The acid in vinegar
3.Electron pair acceptor
6.Used in eyewash
8.What is left after a base accepts a hydrogen ion
9.The acid in car batteries
13.What is left after an acid donates its hydrogen ion
15.Acids and bases can conduct electricity, so are called this
16.One of the products of combining an acid and a base
18.As the pH of a solution decreases, the solution becomes more _________________
20.Electron pair donor
25.pH above 7
29.The weak base NH3
30.pH below 7
32.This product can be made using sodium hydroxide and fat
33.The taste of bases
35.The salt formed when nitric acid is combined with potassium hydroxide.

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