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Ms. Vincent

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1.This cult thought that comet Hale-Bopp was a spaceship that had come to take them to another solar system!
4.Comet that travels on a long elliptical path, such that one orbit can take thousands of years.
7.Sun-orbiting body made of ices and rocky material that descended from the early solar system.
9.The band or belt of small objects formed from the solar system's planetary disk outside the orbit of Neptune, and likely the source of short-period comets.
11.The large cloud of dust and rocky planetesimals which form a comet reservoir around the solar system.
13.You probably walked by one today!
14.Visible tail of a comet formed by sunlight reflecting from the dust released by the nucleus of a comet and blown by the solar wind.
1.He hypothesized that comets orbit the sun and that their return could be predicted.
2.A comet whose entire elliptical orbit lies within the solar system.
3.Collection of small, rocky bodies found orbiting the sun, mostly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
5.Small, rocky body which orbits the sun and contains very little ice.
6.Very small bodies of rock or metal that enter the atmosphere and create luminous tails as they burn.
8.A meteor which enters the atmosphere and does not completely burn up and so falls to ground as a rock.
10.Hot gases and magnetic fields that stream rapidly out of the sun in all directions at all times.
12.A hot gas of ions which glows around the nucleus of a comet.

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