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How well do you know G Callen?

1 2 3
13         14       15            
16 17     18
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21           22  

4.What's the name of Callen's nemesis?
6.What's the name of Callen's 'ex-wife'?
7.What name did Tuhon give Callen?
8.What is the name of Callen's sister
9.How many foster homes has Callen stayed at?
10.Where did Callen kill Dracul Comescu?
11.What's the name of Callen's mother?
13.How many years Callen and Sam been partners?(As of Season 6)
14.what did the man give Callen at the beach?
19.What's the name of Callen's girlfriend?
20.Which season 5 episode did Chris direct?
21.What's the color of Callen's eyes?
23.What's the name of the family Callen has a blood fued with?
1.how many shots took Callen when he was shot?
2.What did Callen have to attend in Full Throttle?
3.What does Callen hate accroding to the episode LD50?
5.What did Sam tell Callen to get in Forest for the trees?
8.What was the name of his little foster sister?
9.As what did Callen go undercover in Big Brother?
12.What's the name of Callen's father?
15.In what did Callen and Sam get stuck in the season 5 finale?
16.In which episode didn't we see much of Callen?
17.Who burned Callen in season 1?
18.Who did Hunter pair Callen with?
22.What did Callen throw in the fish tank in SEAL Hunter?

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