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Disney Facts or Fiction


See if you can get these Disney facts and characters

2         3 4 5
    6         7 8
          9   10
11                 12   13            
14         15                      
19   20  
21                     22
        23   24
25   26         27 28                
32 33                        
35                     36             37
39   40                   41    
42           43   44     45        

2.She was a Mermaid
6.A Bear that knows about the bear necessities
11.she has a son called chip
13.the Candlestick character that sings be our guest
14.He is made of snow
15.Two naughty chipmonks
16.the secret agent platypus
17.She wants a new dalmation coat
21.Captain of the Black Pearl
25.he like to Wreck-it
28.he wants to be like you-hoo-hoo
31.pinocchio fathers name
33.He Has a Magical Party Time
35.Red Indian lady - loves John Smith
36.mickey mouses dog that doesn't wear clothes
38.likes tea parties
40.where did Alice go on her adventures
42.fell in love with the beast
43.who did Lewis meet - apart from the man with the bowler hat
46.tells us its better, and it is wetter under the sea
47.He wanted to steal the lamp
48.Petes Dragons Name
49.Jane and Michaels surname
1.boy who doesn't want to grow up
3.Pumbaa has a best friend
4.Donald ducks girlfriend
5.film start dog with a black thunder flash on his side
7.What long hair she had
8.he has a friend called ferb
9.Had a Big Blue Genie friend
10.Unhappy dwarf
12.he was frightened of Crocodiles
18.The snow queen from Frozen
19.Shy dwarf
20.practically perfect in every way
22.she had seven small friends
23.she had two ugly sisters
24.Boucy Tiger
26.little hawiian girl who had a "dog" called stitch
27.the clock butler from Beauty and the beast
29.mickey mouses dog friend who wears clothes
30.This wooden boy tells lies
32.Peter Pans Fairy friend
34.Angry white bird with sailor costume but no trousers
37.Big Lady with octopus legs
39.When ralph has broken it - he fixes it
41.Ariels Father - King of the Sea
44.Big White Ballon Man
45.alien experiment 626 - in hawaii

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