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1 2
3     4
5           6                  
8                         9        
13         14          
16         17          

5.The Lord of the jungle
6.She is know as the "little ash girl"
8.Famous old Occitan cuisine dish named "ratatolha"
9.Daughter of aged warrior Fa Zhou, impersonates a man to take her father's place during a general conscription to counter a Hun invasion.
11.Creator of the happiest place on Earth
12.Princess named after a fairy tale written by French novelist Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont
13.The prince who captures Ariel's heart
14.What continent can you find Simba on?
15."Following the leader" in this movie, they will be.
16.Utopian city of the future planned by Walt Disney
17.Some of my streets include Ha Ha Road, Quaggy Walk, and Cyclops Mews
18.Snow White's prince
1.A country, state, or territory ruled by a king or queen.
2.My last name is not really Sanders
3.Princess Anna's love interest
4.The first Scottish princess
7.Because of me the Russian Revolution sparked
8.She can heal and reverse aging when she sings a special song
9.My original name was Mortimer
10.The mistress of all evil
14.Temporarily named "Prince Ali Ababwa"
16.The snow queen

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