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Classic Rock

Bruce Holmes

Unfortunately the puzzle doesn't totally connect, but some of you may enjoy it anyway. Good luck !!!

2         3 4
8 9                   10
12     13               14  
15       16            
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    20 21                
23               24                 25
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31                     32
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46         47 48   49    
51               52                

2.The Babys frontman John .....
5.Bon Jovi drummer Tico ......
9.Kurt Cobain's band
11.Wild drummer of The Who
13.Eddie Van Halen's sons name
15.Slash's real first name
17.Power album from Black Sabbath
18.Oft considered the 5th Beatle. Pianist Billy .......
19.1st video on MTV. Video killed the Radio Star by The .......
21.Turn Me Loose band from Canada
22.Famous police from Cheap Trick
23.Power song from Led Zeppelin about a far east country
24.First band signed to The Beatles Apple records
26.ZZ Top's ..... Hill
28.Early Sammy Hagar band
30.Jon Kay's band
31.Skynyrd drummer ....... Pyle
33.Ricky Medlocke band before he joined Skynyrd
34.Early Eagles guitarist Don ......
37.REO ..........
38.Coming in to Los Angelese by Arlo .......
39.CCR's Keep on ........
43.Alvin Lee band Ten Years .....
44.One of Fender's famous guitars
45.Early Frampton band
46.Famous English venue. The ..... Albert Hall
50.Aerosmith's Uncle .....
51.Janis's Big Brother and the ....... Company
52.Steven Tyler's real last name
53.Queen Under ........
54.Quiet Riot vocalist Kevin ......
55.Dee Snider band ....... Sister
1.Great White's Once ...... twice shy
3.Last name of Free's guitarist
4.Original Fleetwood Mac guitarist Peter .....
6.Rod Stewart hit ....... Young
7.Donnie Iris band with the hit song The Rapper. The .......
8.Early Nugent vocalist Derek St. ......
10.Midnight Oil's ...... Calling
12.Scorpions frontman ..... Meine
13.David Coverdale super group
14.Blue ...... Cult
16.Famous cymbal maker
20.Famous Music and Arts festival on Yasgur's farm
25.Final Countdown band
27.Classic rock trio from Canada
28.Led Zeppelin's Misty ........ Hop
29.Leslie of Mountain
30.Keep Your Hands To Yourself band-Georgia ..........
32.They did Wild Thing
33.Skynyrd tune-Call me the ..........
35.Steve Perry,Niel Schon super group
36.Aldo Nova's Life is just a .......
39.C/S/N hit. Won't you please come to .......
40.Scorpions Rock You Like a .........
41.Wings hit ...... Wheels
42.Page,Clapton and Beck all played for this band
47.Sebastian Bach's band
48.Elton John's Mona Lisa's and Mad .......
49.Female solo artist with the hit Laydown

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