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AVT 122



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2.color of right aircraft position light
4.established in 1929, is a major provider of transport communications and systems engineering solutions for aviation
7.what occupies space and has weight
11.transformers uses the principle of electromagnetic_______
13.What meter is used to check continuity of a wire
15.Primary used during take-off and landing as flight controls
20.In a capacitive circuit what leads?
21.Filtering Metal Particles in the Oil (three words)
23.Which lead of a transistor will carry the majority of the current
24.diodes that behave like variable capacitors
25.changes ac to dc
26.If a diode is reversed biased, the depletion region would be?
27.Zener diodes are used in what device?(two words)
31.True power is apparent power times..(two words)
32.ARINC 629 is
34.You would devide your change in current of your collector by your change in current on your emitter to get what
35.What are the three components that make up a standard vacuum tube?(three words)
37.electronically converts dc to ac
39.In a Inductive circuit what leads
40.color of rear aircraft position light.
41.maintains constant speed for a generator
43.What is the advantage of a brushless alternator at high altitudes?(two words)
44.What type of bias is required for an LED to produce luminescence(two words)
45.On a transistor which component controls the flow of the Carrier
47.semiconductors has how many electrons on the valance shell
48.Which type of wave is used for digital information
49.What happens to the input signal when it goes through a transistor that has a common emitter
50.Type of semiconductor
52.What is the device that shoots out the electrons in a CRT?
54.Most solid state components can be damaged by
55.What device is a hollow metal tubing that directs electrons from one point to the next?
56.what changes pulsating dc to pure dc for proper operations
57.displays electrical parameters and system status to the flight crew?
1.Which device in a CRT eliminates the secondary emission
3.In a rotary inverter what are the two main components?
5.44. The point at which capacitive reactance and inductive reactance are equal is called what?
6.class A amplifiers had a good
8.43. Which logic symbol is used to represent two switches in series used to turn on a light?
9.Gamma gain is from common
10.color of left aircraft position light
12.is proportional to inductance and frequency of alternating current(two words)
14.In positive logic a one represents what value?
16.Power from a normal house hold socket is what type of wave
17.a good electrical conductor used in wires
18.NPN and PNP are examples of
19.oscillators circuits(three words)
22.an electric switch that is actuated by very little physical force(two words)
24.Which type of memory is lost when the power to a computer is turned off?(two words)
28.41. Which logic gate will give a 1 output whenever the two inputs are 1 and 0 or 0
29.What instrument is typically used to indicate to flight crew members the electrical quantities in an aircraft
30.What are the three components in a JFET
33.In Negative Logic a one represents what value
34.process of providing an increase in amplitude
36.three phase stator wire connections
38.The gain in a common emitter is represented by the Greek letter
42.This has postive change in an atom
46.Which type of RAM Must be refreshed to prevent loss of data?(two words)
49.LVDT’s and RVDT’s are used in what of systems
51.unit of measurement for resistance
53.This FAR deals with electrical systems for transport category aircraft

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