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Sam Swope Auto Group

Sam Swope Auto Group

Test your knowdledge about the car brands that Sam Swope carries with this fun puzzle.

Word Bank
Sam Swope, Elizabethtown, BMW, Roundel, Infiniti, Sebastian Vettel, Volkswagen, Beetle, Mitsubishi, EVO, JEEP, Challenger Hellcat, Cadillac, Escalade, Fiat, Abarth, Volvo, Safety Belt, Honda, Civic, Buick, Encore, GMC, Lexus, Transmission, Toyota, Camry, AdvantagePlan

1 2 3        
4               5
      6   7  
9     10      
14 15                          
    17       18  
  19                   20                  
23   24

3.Car manufacturer that pioneered the use of turn signals in 1939
4.Cadillac Luxury SUV
6.A division of GM that primarily focuses on trucks and utility vehicles
10.Italian Car makers actually founded in 1899
11.Chrysler claims that it is "the most powerful muscle car ever."
12.Japan's largest-selling make of premium cars
15.the Original location of the first store
16.Buick’s first subcompact crossover
19.All the company’s cars carry the prefix ‘Q’
20.Means "people's car" in German
21.2nd largest Japanese automobile manufacturer
22.Founded in Gothenburg, Sweden in 1927
25.Established as a shipping firm by Yatarō Iwasaki in 1870
26.Toyota sedan in production since 1982
1.Military designation GP (General Purpose) was slurred into this word
2.He fully retired at the end of 2011
3.Over all Best-selling single model of car ever
5.Formula 1 World Champion who drove for Infiniti
7.The first American car company to win the Dewar trophy
8.Buy here, Pay here
9.Lexus incorporated the first production eight-speed automatic ______ in an automobile with the LS 460
13.A Volvo engineer created the first three point ________ in 1959 (two words)
14.Name of the BMW logo
16.Mitsubishi’s high performance all-wheel drive car
17.Honda model introduced in July 1972
18.Founded by Kiichiro Toyoda in 1937
23.Bavarian Motor Works
24.Fiat coupe named for an Austrian-Italian automobile designer

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