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Chemistry Week 1


1 2
3                             4
5       6            
7           8              

3.A change that occurs when one ore more substances are changed into new substances with new properties(no reversal diffferent now
5.The amount of stuff(matter) in an object
6.the amount of space occupied by a three denensional object of region of space.
7.anything that has mass or volume
8.center of any atom; holds protons neutrons
9.A characteristic of matter that can be observed and measrured without changing the composition of the matter.
10.negatively charged(-)subatomic particle that moves around the neucleus of an atom
12.a characteristic of matter that can be observed and measrured without changing the composition of the matter.
13.particle in the necleus that has no charge
14.smallest particle of an element
1.Unit representing amount of mass per unit volume.
2.Characteristics of a substance as if reacts with others to form new substances with different properties.
4.smallest complete unit of a compound
11.particle fo the necleus(+charge)

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