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Typical Passenger Complaints & Incidents

Jason Sears

The main reasons why passengers complain on board

3         4 5
8                   9  

3.Crew must make sure they DO NOT offer this type of Customer Service...
6.This type of passenger may lead to problems for both crew and passengers due to their strange behaviour...
7.Food being this may result in a complaint...
8.Being given this during the service may lead to someone being very hungry and complain... (2 Words)
10.This type of argument on board between people that know each other may lead to a complaint...
11.If this happens on board someone will be wet and very upset! (2 Words)
12.If this didn't work on board you may be bored and inevitably complain...
13.This sort of complaint will usually come as a result of this onboard fixture being reclined.
14.An airline not providing this for someone who has ordered it will lead to a complaint... (2 Words)
15.Facilities onboard this that don't work or are very basic may lead to complaint...
1.Noisy what may lead to complaints from other passengers?
2.No room in these may lead to less legroom as bags will need to be placed at your feet.
4.Staff being this may lead to complaint...
5.The flight being what may lead to a complaint as passengers may be inconvenienced...
6.This type of passenger can cause crew and passengers problems as they may get aggressive...
7.An airline doing this to one of their flights will cause much disruption to passengers and their travel plans...
9.This being found in a meal may cause injury and will definetly lead to complaint... (2 Words)
11.Not being able to do this onboard may cause some passengers to get restless...

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