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British Bikes


Names of British motorcycle manufacturers of the mid 20th century

4 5                      
7               8
      9 10  
    11   12              
14                             15
  17   18                
      20     21
  24             25        
  26       27          

5.Regal Rifles (5,7)
6.Alright, its the tops (1,1,7)
7.Howard Davies would have been proud of Phils Stevenage products (7)
12.Better known for sidecars (and Jaguars) (7)
13.Made in Plumstead (9)
14.T,E thought his was (6,8)
18.They have some really poisonous products (9)
19.A reely nice bike (6)
22.Victory or what. Could also be German (7)
23.A ray of light from Wolverhampton until ruined by BSA (7)
24.More associated with threewheels than two (4)
25.Part of a radio to follow the hounds? (5)
26.Sometimes came to a full stop (3)
27.A bug killer or a TT winner (6)
28.A very bright little machine (3)
1.Mostly remembered for M&Ms and TTs (9)
2.They named a model after a region in Ireland (5)
3.Must have been a lonely bird having been sent there (8,5)
4.Often called Fanny Bs (7,7)
8.Even had Kings and a Bible named after them (5)
9.No elephants were killed in their manufacture (9)
10.The flying banana carries the same name as a Northumbrian town (6)
11.Could represent any country (10)
15.Black or Red, put your own slant on it (7)
16.Bristol Boxers (7)
17.1066 and all that (6)
19.A few made in Wolverhampton but not sold by a Stafford dealer (5)
20.This 2 stroke sounds to be made for 2 up (6)
21.These Sheffield birds flew in the 30s (6)
23.Two stroke airborne rodents? (5)
24.Almost a dun coloured 2 stroke (4)

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